


Progressive Lenses

Progressive Lenses at Naples Eye Physicians

You'll often hear an eye doctor describe vision in terms of "distance vision, "intermediate vision," and "near vision," as if they were totally separate zones. However, when you shift your gaze from close-up objects toward the distant horizon, you don't see discrete areas of focus, you see one consistent blend. That's the kind of experience you can get from progressive lenses, the current state-of-the-art in presbyopia correction. Here at Naples Eye Physicians, any optometrist on our Naples, FL, team is happy to make these specialized lenses available to you.

Progressive Lenses

Presbyopia and Multifocal Glasses

Presbyopia is one of those eye conditions that tends to show up later in life, more specifically, around the age of 40. This is the age in which the lenses of the eyes start having trouble shifting focus from one distance field to another. It causes your near vision to become blurry even if you don't suffer from classic farsightedness. At the very least, you may need reading glasses to compensate for presbyopia, but if you also suffer from nearsightedness, then you need lenses that can correct both near and distance vision so you don't have to carry two pairs of glasses around.

That's exactly what multifocal lenses can do. The classic bifocals invented by Ben Franklin include a near-vision segment at the bottom of the lens, with the distance vision segment above. Trifocals add a third segment to correct for intermediate vision issues. The problem with these lenses is that the discrete segments can add visible lines or make you experience jarring changes when switching from one field of distance to another.

Progressive lenses do away with these separate segments. These advanced lens designs include all possible distance corrections in one smooth gradation from the top of the lens to the bottom.

What to Expect from Your Progressive Lenses

Our optometrist can confirm whether or not you need multifocals during a comprehensive eye and vision exam. During the glasses-fitting process, we mark your pupil orientation to line up your progressive lenses with your eyes as precisely as possible. Once you receive your progressive lenses, don't be alarmed if your vision seems strange at first. You will need time to adapt to the pattern of vision correction on the lens. If you decide to switch to bifocal or trifocal lenses, your optometrist can provide those as well.

Make an Appointment at Our Naples, FL, Ophthalmology Center 

Our optometry center is ready to help you discover the world of progressive lenses. Schedule an appointment with your eye doctor at Naples eye Care Physicians by calling 239.262.6288 today!