


Glaucoma Surgery: Frequently Asked Questions

Our Naples Eye Doctors Answer Glaucoma Surgery Questions

Glaucoma questions Naples eye doctor

When glaucoma eye drops or other medications fail to inhibit fluid production and reduce increasing pressure in the eyes, your Naples eye doctors may recommend a special laser surgery called Selective Laser Trabeculoplasty (SLT) to decrease intraocular pressure. SLT may also be used if eye drops are causing adverse side effects or as a first choice of treatment for glaucoma.

Who Qualifies for SLT Treatment for Glaucoma?

If you have been diagnosed with open-angle glaucoma and need intraocular pressure reduced, you would be a good candidate for Selective Laser Trabeculoplasty. Your ophthalmologist will examine your eyes and make a final determination regarding your candidacy for SLT. 

Is SLT Painful?

No. Cold laser energy opens blocked drainage ducts by initiating laser-based, biochemical changes to tissues. In fact, cold laser energy is specifically used during SLT because it minimizes discomfort as well as scar tissue development.

Are Results of an SLT Procedure Immediate?

Depending on the condition of your eye duct tissues, results of SLT treatments can take as little as one month. Your eye doctor will discuss a possible timeline of your individual results prior to treatment.

Are There Any Risks Involved with Glaucoma Surgery?

Compared to some glaucoma medications, SLT offers better side effect rates, with only mild inflammation reported by post-operative SLT patients. Inflammation following SLT is managed with eye drops or NSAIDS.

How Long Does SLT Continue Stabilizing Intraocular Pressure?

Effects typically last for one to five years, with some people experiencing benefits of SLT longer than five years. In rare cases, SLT patients may see a return of glaucoma-based pressure in their eyes within six to 12 months of surgery. If this happens, your eye doctor will recommend trying other treatments.

Will SLT Patients Need to Continue Taking Glaucoma Medications?

It depends. Some glaucoma patients find that SLT controls intraocular pressure completely. Others may need to take glaucoma medication as a supplement to glaucoma laser surgery. While Selective Laser Trabeculoplasty should not be considered as a glaucoma cure, SLT can definitely help reduce the severity of intraocular pressure, a leading cause of serious vision impairment in the U.S among people over 40 years of age.

Schedule an Eye Exam at Naples Eye Physicians Today

Glaucoma is "silent" eye disease that does not present symptoms until in its advanced stage. By then, damage to your eyes and vision are irreversible. Getting comprehensive eye examinations every six months allows your eye doctor to perform tests to ensure your eyes are not being affected by early-stage glaucoma. To schedule an exam, call Naples Eye Physicians today at 239-262-6288.